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Boring and Drilling in the 21st Century

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Boring and Drilling in the 21st Century

Category : Boring

The boring and drilling industry has undergone several scientific innovations since the 1900s. In 1900, the method of directional drilling was invented which enabled contractors to drill down to any underground target. Regardless of the horizontal displacement and the true vertical depth, boring and drilling equipment of this time could accurately reach the underground target. A variation of this same technology is currently in use during the 21st century. 

Scope of Boring and Drilling in the 21st Century

Prior to the 21st century, there were several instances where guesswork and estimation were involved in the process of boring and drilling. Today, accurate data-driven and analytical methods are used to identify groundwater points for borewells. As a result, most boring and drilling contractors use a variety of methods of doing this. 

The scope of boring and drilling in the 21st century is to minimise costs and maximise operational efficiency. Hence, such data-driven methods coupled with modern boring and drilling equipment like those provided by Al Abrag Trading are widely used throughout Qatar. There are two types of drilling bits that you can use to achieve both of these scopes – the directional and non-directional drilling techniques. 

Directional Drilling in the 21st century

Most directional drills in the 21st century are based on innovations in boring and drilling from the 1970s. Whether you rent a truck-mounted, portable, track, or any other type of drilling rig, you will notice that the drilling bit has a magnetic single shot with a bent sub. These are connected to a downhole mud motor that ultimately pushes the drill bit into the earth. 

The main reason that directional drilling has been adapted into 21st-century boring and drilling is because of several factors underground that impact the horizontal deviation of the drill.  Some of these factors in the soil include formation dips, faults, and bedding planes. In order to overcome these deviational factors, companies in Qatar like Al Abrag Trading Co. use direction drilling technology in their boring and drilling equipment. 

Automation in Boring and Drilling

In the 21st century, automation has become an integral part of several industries. The same can be said for boring and drilling contractors. Emerging technologies like the automated downhole navigation system are increasingly being deployed and tested in different parts of the world like Norway. During the implementation of such systems in Norway, it was found that automated feeding and analysis of data into the boring and drilling equipment greatly reduced human error. This not only enhanced the efficiency of the entire process but also led to a wider range of applications for boring and drilling contractors.

Al Abrag Trading Co. in Qatar has several types of drilling rigs that can be integrated with such automated systems. This can help your company to increase boring and drilling efficiency as well as reduce operational costs of manual labour. 

A-RSS in the 21st Century

Another significant innovation that the 21st century has brought to the boring and drilling sector, is the deployment of Automated Rotary Steering Systems (A-RSS). It is essentially a type of directional drilling that helps to further enhance drilling efficiency, and reduce the risks as well as the costs in boring and drilling. This type of directional drilling technology has today become commonplace in Qatar. You can find these in portable, track, and truck-mounted drilling rigs in Qatar.


Al Abrag Trading Co. realizes that it is necessary to continuously improve upon technological innovation. Hence, it provides boring and drilling contractors with the latest in boring and drilling technology in Qatar.