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Top 5 Ways To Identify Groundwater Points For Borewell Drilling

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Boring/Drilling Machine - Al Abrag

Top 5 Ways To Identify Groundwater Points For Borewell Drilling

Category : Boring

Drilling a borewell may seem simple enough with the right equipment. But it is the preliminary survey work that makes it a complex task. A borewell is generally used to access groundwater streams flowing under the soil. Once such groundwater points have been identified, digging a borewell is only a matter of time and cost. But what methods can you use to accurately identify these groundwater points? The choice of method often depends on your purpose for drilling a borewell. Nevertheless, here are the top 5 ways to accurately identify groundwater points for drilling a borewell.

Looking out for nature’s signals

Nature has its ways of providing for its creatures. Ancient nomadic humans could often identify groundwater points just by looking at the species of flora nearby. Some have claimed that species like Neem, Tamarind, and Acacia trees have a way of indicating the presence of groundwater aquifers. It has been found that if some branches of these trees bend downwards in a straight line, this indicates the presence of groundwater. Research has also ratified this claim in recent years.

The power of geomagnetism

While modern science has confirmed ancient techniques of groundwater identification, it has a few tricks up its own sleeve. State-of-the-art survey techniques like geomagnetic surveys can help accurately identify groundwater points above the ground. A case study conducted in Nigeria has confirmed that this technique can be used to accurately assess the potential of groundwater in basement complex terrains. This means using the geomagnetism method and a track drilling rig, you can easily drill borewells to access groundwater in such terrains. 

Induced polarization for minimal errors

Another method that is new but is used widely is the induced polarization method. This method is so popular because it minimises the chances of errors due to the resistivity of the surrounding rock layers. For example, 2D structure mapping is generated using the geomagnetism method. But in some cases, there may be a degree of error due to the surrounding rocks in the soil. The induced polarization method is practically immune to such errors.

Maybe try the VLF method

The Very Low Frequency (VLF) sounding method is yet another great way to identify groundwater points for drilling borewells. Research data from the Niger Delta in Africa and Andhra Pradesh in India have proven that the VLF technique provides quite accurate results. In some cases, you can even combine 2D Electrical Resistivity Imaging (ERI) for more accurate results. Once you have identified the correct groundwater points, you can use a truck-mounted drilling rig to drill your borewell.

Using the most advanced techniques

Last but not least, Proton Magnetic Resonance Sounding is gradually gaining traction as one of the most accurate techniques to identify groundwater points. Some of the earliest research in this domain was conducted in France in 2004. This research confirmed that this technique provides highly accurate results for weathered basement rocks. Regardless of the topography or geology in areas like Europe, Asia, and Africa, this method has proven to be highly successful. Marking the location of the potential groundwater source

Hiring a professional to drill a test hole

Marking the location of the potential groundwater source

Using geophysical methods to map the groundwater source

It is important to consult with a professional before drilling a borewell. They can help you choose the best location for your borewell and ensure that it is drilled properly.

Key Takeaway

All of these methods to identify groundwater points for drilling a borewell may not apply to you. Some of these methods have been found to work best in certain specific topography, geology, as well as climate. However, once you have identified the correct groundwater points, you can rent a portable drilling rig from a renowned supplier like Al Abrag Trading Co. and have your equipment delivered to you in no time.